Why, why, WHY do I have to always have an online connection to play Indie Games? Especially ones that have no online functionality, beyond a leaderboard for comparing how long it took you to beat.
Why aren't the licensed games of yesteryear that I've purchased on XBLA the same way? Why is it that I can play Sonic Adventure offline, but not Aban Hawkins and the 1000 Spikes? Is it because Sega, a company who still makes big-production video games that cost $60 for you guys made the first one? Are you trying to offset costs of keeping the Indie section up by forcing people to get XBLA cards?
I mean, one might question why someone would want to play a game offline, when the only way you can purchase that game in the first place is if you're online. Maybe I have a temporary XBLA account, and my "true" account is offline. I mean, what do you guys care where I play this stuff? You've already got my money, and it's not like the developer will lose profits unless I have to get pop-up notifications that my friends are playing Halo every 5 seconds.
Also, you may not have heard of them, but there are these things called power-outages or server troubles or having to deal with a shitty, overpriced ISP. These things happen. Fiber optic cables can be destroyed by an old lady with a trowel without even trying.
If any of these things happen while I am playing Alpha Squad, I am effectively kicked out of the thing I
And to think, Nintendo used to be the one who didn't understand or care about the concept of an online marketplace. Or "Garage-developers".
Eat 10,000 dicks,
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